June Faver
Texas Author
June Faver, Texas Author...
Discover romance &
page-turning suspense in my
Dark Horse Cowboys series.
is in bookstores and online now.

Dark Horse Cowboys
Introducing, Tyler Garrett:
Tyler Garrett drove away without looking back. Truth is, he was afraid to even glance in the rear-view mirror for fear he would turn his big Ford extended-cab truck around. Of course, he was hauling a trailer with the finest quarter horse ever bred, so turning around on that two lane road might have given him a little trouble…but then, trouble was what he did best.
Ty was the middle son. The one who invented the word ‘trouble’, at least, according to his dad. No one could deny that “Big Jim” Garrett thought the world of his three sons, but somehow it was always Ty who inspired him to call out, “Here comes trouble.”
Well, here goes trouble, Dad.
He placed a hand on Lucky’s head. The two-year old Golden Retriever regarded him with trusting eyes. “We’re going to be fine, boy.”
He reached the end of the farm-to-market road and idled, looking both ways for traffic, but of course, there was none. With a deep sigh, he hooked a wide right, allowing for the trailer to arc out behind him as he pulled onto the Interstate. He straightened his shoulders and thought about his destination.

A group of Texas Longhorns are lolling in a field of beautiful Texas Bluebonnets mixed with Indian Paintbrush. Just another spring day in Texas ranch country.